HARD BODY & BORN2FLOW workout system was created by the kinesiologist Tomislav Dolušić. BIO

It’s an original, functional, circuit-interval workout where everybody works according to their fitness level. It’s a combination of kettlebell and bodyweight exercises. The exercises are carried out on a tatami in anti-slip socks. The original Hard Body workout protocols will get you into shape of your life in only 12 weeks! Join us on our regional Hard Body Mega Challenge! Currently there are 4 levels of the Hard Body program: from absolute beginners to professional athletes and special police and army forces.
Our new and original workout program. Combining bodyweight exercises, kettlebell exercises, medicine balls and agility as well as boxing and other martial arts – all adapted to sports amateurs, get into top shape, get all the negative energy out of your system and have a great time working out!
The BORN2FLOW program – unlock your body and get the mobility, strength and agility you’ve only dreamed of, with our now program based on bodyweight exercises.
Tomislav je jedan od rijetkih trenera u fitness industriji koje iskreno poštujem. Posvetio je svoj život i još uvijek posvećuje učenju i napredovanju u polju fitnessa. Završio je mnoge certifikacije visokog nivoa, te od njih skupio veliko znanje. Zato ne čudi da je “Born2flow” takav dragulj, program u koji je uložio svoje srce i dušu. Ovaj program bi trebao biti obavezan, neka vrsta dnevne higijene za tijelo, za svakoga tko želi živjeti sretan život bez boli.
PERSONAL COACHING – work out according to our original functional training program, combining exercise according to your own wishes and needs from all of our 3 original training systems, along with creating a personal nutrition plan, and with top coaches from our team achieve the shape of life – get into the best shape of your life.
Gordan Knezevic, 30, computer programmer, a very bright and cheerful young man, came to HB Premium Dream gym Sopot early last summer. He then weighed 150 kg and decided to finally do something good for himself and his health. It was already then that he made the determined first step, he went to the pool and started going swimming, which is also when he stopped drinking 3-4 litres of carbonated sweet beverages, which were his usual doses for “refreshment”.
Already at the first personal Hard body training, we defined a long-term one-year goal, and during summer we started preparing for the HB mega challenge, which began in September. We laid great foundations, lost the first 20 kilograms in the first 3 months, significantly increased mobility and while starting the challenge with a weight of 129 kg, we ended it with a weight of 109 kg.
The progress in the mega challenge was impressive in all parameters, magnificent improvement in functional tests of as much as 240%!
It is a great pleasure for our HB Master coaches Tomislav, Damir and Marko to train with Gordan, who comes to personal trainings 3-4 times a week, and in agreement with our coaches, goes swimming at least 3 times a week, and strictly adheres to the Hard body diet.
He won us all over here at the gym with his optimism and dedication, and he earned the regional title Courageous Heart in this challenge, thanks to his exceptional discipline and a willingness to at any time, at least by a bit, accept and surpass the norm of the set small challenges, which he is given by our coaches.
And as he himself said the other day, after the final testing of the 12th Challenge – we are now halfway through, there are still 2 HB mega challenges ahead for the summer, and I am absolutely confident that I will reach the set goal within the next 6 months! And this is primarily feeling lighter in the own body, increasing health and mobility, and reach an optimal body weight of 85 kg, ideal for his height and age.
Great looks and satisfaction are just the side-effects of our journey together, which we truly enjoy, while working out and hanging out with Gordan!
Keep on going strong – Hard body spirit!
Thanks to the Hard Body workout system I went through an incredible transformation after only few months. Both my body and my mind transformed. My health issues started to decline and my immunity improved drastically. I fell in love with my body again. Someone said once: Working out makes me be a better version of myself. I couldn’t agree more. I warmly recommend the Hard Body workout system to everyone who wants to do something positive for themselves and their health.
I would like to thank to all the people participating in these 2-day certification. It was an honor to learn and to work out with you. I would also like to thank my friend Tomislav Dolušić, pioneer in workout we know today as functional training which didn’t have a name before though because it didn’t exist. I had a blast!
Thanks to Tomislav Dolušić, an incredible and professional man…to Dalibor Delić, also a professional and a legend…and to Marina Nozić – no words needed…because of you I rediscovered myself and lifted my limitations… this people made me start to believe in dreams come true…and it’s just the beginning of my dream…this is for all the dreams…never stop believing in your dreams…THEY INDEED COME TRUE…a big thanks to all the wonderful people I met this week-end and hat a chance to hang with them…